AYPROTECH > Projects > Edible Oil
Sunflower oil on the table


Project Desciption

The Edible Oil Project aims to establish a state-of-the-art facility that produces high-quality edible oils while adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements. AYPROTECH’s expertise in programming, installation, commissioning, and project management ensured the successful execution of the project, meeting the client’s objectives and delivering reliable and efficient production capabilities.

Project Starting Date12.07.2021

Project End15.12.2022

CategoryEdible Oil Project

Edible Oil Process

Edible oil projects involve the design, construction, and implementation of facilities and processes for the production of edible oils. Here are some key details and considerations for an edible oil project:

Facility Design: The project begins with the design of the processing facility, which includes the layout of the production area, storage tanks, equipment placement, utilities, and infrastructure. The facility design takes into account factors such as safety, hygiene, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Equipment Selection: The selection of appropriate equipment is crucial for the efficient and reliable production of edible oils. This includes oilseed preparation equipment (such as cleaners, crushers, and hullers), oil extraction equipment (such as presses or solvent extraction systems), refining equipment (such as degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization units), filtration systems, and packaging equipment.

Process Optimization: AYPROTECH focuses on optimizing the edible oil production process to ensure maximum efficiency and quality. This involves evaluating and fine-tuning the various process parameters, such as temperature, pressure, residence time, and chemical dosing, to achieve optimal oil extraction and refining results.

Automation and Control Systems: AYPROTECH specializes in automation and control systems for edible oil projects. This includes the design and implementation of programmable logic controllers (PLCs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), distributed control systems (DCS), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. These systems provide real-time monitoring, control, and data management to optimize the production process, enhance safety, and facilitate efficient decision-making.

Quality Assurance and Compliance: Edible oil projects place a strong emphasis on quality assurance and compliance with food safety standards and regulations. AYPROTECH ensures that the project adheres to relevant quality management systems (such as ISO 9001) and implements comprehensive quality control measures throughout the production process. This includes regular testing and analysis of oil samples, adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMP), and compliance with regulatory requirements specific to the production and distribution of edible oils.

Project Management: AYPROTECH provides project management services to oversee the entire edible oil project, including planning, scheduling, resource management, and coordination with various stakeholders. Our project management team ensures timely execution, cost control, and effective communication to deliver a successful project outcome.

At AYPROTECH, we have the expertise and experience to undertake edible oil projects from conceptualization to completion. We offer comprehensive solutions in programming, installation, commissioning, and project management, ensuring the efficient and reliable production of high-quality edible oils.

Agricultural Silo - Building Exterior, Storage and drying of grains, wheat, corn, soy, sunflower

Work Scope

  • Automation SW & HW Design
  • Installation and Commissioning
  • Performance Test
  • Operator Training and Hand Over
  • Service Agreement

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